I wonder why didn't I do this before. You know, playing Counter Strike. It's and old game, propably older than my grandmother, but hey - it still rocks! Especially in a LAN environment. OK, they kicked my ass seriously yesterday (and today, some sleep deprivation is always good :P)
Hmm, today is Saint Valentine's Day, but I won't celebrate it as usuall. Not that I had someone to celebrate with... But still, we should show our love everyday not just at this one day. What's the difference between today (2. of February 2006) and any other day? OK, maybe one - it's usually colder now than on most other days... So, just behave as it is a "normal" day and give your love some flowers, like everyday - I suppose you give her flowers everyday? :)
On the other front - I was asked to hold a talk or workshop about Scribus in March, I'm not much of a speaker and I have absolutely no idea if I could handle it. Besides, I'm not a DTP professional, nor a semi-pro just a guy who does some work in it for the ACTUS Association. I must think about that, maybe Maciej (from Linux Forum) could help me out a bit. We'll see...