Sunday, March 13, 2005

The Good, The Bad and The Ugly

Ok, first the good news - I have a new job. Well, not so new, because I've been working there a few months ago, but hey - it's a job - well paid (for me) and not so hard ;)
Now for the bad news - lighttpd died a few days ago and no one has noticed it, damn first of all I don't know why it dies, the logs are empty no messages on the console no nothing. Secondly - I don't have any CPU cycles left to replace it with something that Just Works (TM) eg. Apache :|
If that wasn't bad enough - the patent directive was passed by the ministers, so I can drop my studying and learn some washing up ;) No, frankly I sent some snail mails to my MEPs - let's see if they'll answer me..

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