Monday, November 19, 2007


Kolejna głupota w polskim wydaniu. Jeśli chcesz coś wykorzystać co zostało udostępnione na licencji CC musisz zapłacić haracz^H^H^H^Hopłatę na rzecz organizacji zbiorowego zarządzania (w skrócie OZZ). W takim razie chcę widzieć pieniążki za to, iż ktoś kiedyś może wykorzystać cokolwiek z mojego bloga – może czas zacząć wysyłać żądania do odpowiednich OZZ o ponoć należne nam pieniądze? W końcu to dla nas istnieją (pun intended)...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Post rock?

I never like to categorize music, because it's just it - music! Everyone has a different taste, and what's for someone post rock for me is just rock or even something more peculiar ;) We should have a different category for each band, because they all have a different sound (I mean proper bands, not the ones you see usually on the telly).

But let's get to the essence of this foolish blog post - this weeks artist is Gina Artworth. It's a nice mix of a wonderful vocal (I think I fell in love... ;> and noisy guitars. Just mmmmmmmm (yeah, I know - it's an intelligent sentence). Sadly it's already some years old (2003) and GOOG doesn't tell much about what is going on with her lately. Maybe you know? Anyway - go on and listen if you haven't already done so.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Life, the universe and everything...

Sorry, this week's album had to fall out due to me being away from a network connection :/ I promise I'll make up for this with some great music next week!