Friday, December 14, 2007


Planet PLD will have some downtime today (14.12.2007), I'll have to do the cable work in my room again :/ Sorry for the inconvenience and the late warning, but this had to be done sometime.

Monday, November 19, 2007


Kolejna głupota w polskim wydaniu. Jeśli chcesz coś wykorzystać co zostało udostępnione na licencji CC musisz zapłacić haracz^H^H^H^Hopłatę na rzecz organizacji zbiorowego zarządzania (w skrócie OZZ). W takim razie chcę widzieć pieniążki za to, iż ktoś kiedyś może wykorzystać cokolwiek z mojego bloga – może czas zacząć wysyłać żądania do odpowiednich OZZ o ponoć należne nam pieniądze? W końcu to dla nas istnieją (pun intended)...

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Post rock?

I never like to categorize music, because it's just it - music! Everyone has a different taste, and what's for someone post rock for me is just rock or even something more peculiar ;) We should have a different category for each band, because they all have a different sound (I mean proper bands, not the ones you see usually on the telly).

But let's get to the essence of this foolish blog post - this weeks artist is Gina Artworth. It's a nice mix of a wonderful vocal (I think I fell in love... ;> and noisy guitars. Just mmmmmmmm (yeah, I know - it's an intelligent sentence). Sadly it's already some years old (2003) and GOOG doesn't tell much about what is going on with her lately. Maybe you know? Anyway - go on and listen if you haven't already done so.

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Life, the universe and everything...

Sorry, this week's album had to fall out due to me being away from a network connection :/ I promise I'll make up for this with some great music next week!

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Life is music... has crossed another important point in it's history - over 5000 availible albums to download and listen to — and of course it's all CC licensed!

From now on you can listen to some music I find interesting in my sidebar and it'll change every week, hope you'll enjoy it!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007


, originally uploaded by atelier_lula.

Who said that autumn must be sad and lonely? :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2007 the gods..

Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!! says I'm an Uber-Dorky Nerd King.  What are you?  Click here!

Friday, August 03, 2007


In case you've missed it - Ghostscript 8.60 is out!!! It's GPL licensed and the merge with ESP Ghostscript is complete. At last...

Friday, July 06, 2007

Thursday, June 14, 2007

The Ubuntu Tribe movie official poster

Join the Tribe!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Planet update

Wake up young man, it's time to wake up
Your love affair has got to go
For 10 long years, for 10 long years
The leaves to rake up
Slow suicide's no way to go, ohh
Blue, clouded grey
You're not a crack up
Dizzy and weakened by the haze
Moving onward
So an infection not a phase
Yeah, oh

Mad Season - Wake Up

As some of you already noticed, Planet PLD Linux was moved to our Subversion repository. So from now on you can keep track of your feeds yourself :P No, really!

If you know of any other PLD related feeds out there, just drop me a note.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007


What's wrong with all those people? First Anna and Platyna, now Kathy Sierra. Why do people have fun insulting and threatening others? And yes, I know what I'm writing about — been there, seen it and even physically felt it...

The world has still a lot to learn, I hope we all can react in such cases and let them understand that they hurt others...

Friday, March 23, 2007


Look what came with the post today:

So it's time to find some spare disk space for it and finally try Solaris! Sadly, tomorrow is Shutdown Day so it will have to wait a bit :(

Thursday, March 08, 2007


Sorry, at a special request this post will be in Polish only...

No to Lula mnie dorwała, więc odpowiadam:

  1. Nie znoszę pająków, ale tylko tych z długimi odnóżami (wiecie, te chude takie). Do małych pajączków (takich czarnych, malutkich) jakoś nie odczuwam wstrętu i nawet pozwalam im czasem po sobie spacerować jak się na mnie dostaną.

  2. Jestem grafomanem amatorem, chociaż wiele dziewczyn twierdzi, że podoba im się to co piszę.

  3. Nie lubię większości produktów składających się mleka/masła i pochodnych. Po prostu nie smakują mi i nienawidzę, jak ktoś mi wciska takie jedzenie...

  4. Mimo dość młodego wieku (choć ja tam zawsze mówię, że stary dziad już jestem), chciałbym mieć dzieci. Tak – już, teraz. Co dziwne, chyba nie za bardzo potrafię się z nimi obchodzić. Cóż, i tak nie jest dane mi to sprawdzić w najbliższym czasie...

  5. Mam kłopoty z tym, by coś dobrego lub nieznanego o sobie powiedzieć. O, patrzcie – właśnie wymyśliłem ostatni punkt!

Tylko jak tu teraz znaleźć pięć osób. Uwaga wyznaczam: carstein, katka, krzak, hmmm reszta już brała udział w tej zabawie, więc niech to będzie "Trójka Drombo" :P

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

The hard life of a CSO

On Carstein's blog there's another article about the life of a CSO, but this one is concentrating on the placement of IDS/IPS.

Although sometimes things seem to be a little bit obvious, it's always better to stand on the shoulders of giants than try to reinvent the wheel over and over again. It's an interesting lecture so go and read :).

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Are they nuts?

Seems like a popular company is utterly stupid patenting things that they acknowledge that were stol^H^H^H^borrowed from other products. This time it hit BlueJ's Object Bench. You can read about it on Michael Kölling's blog.

As a sidenote - I have just noticed that the same company posesses a patent for color management in X11R6 here in Poland! Geez...

Wednesday, January 17, 2007 holes and revelations..

Far away from the memories
Of the people who care if I live or die

I will be chasing the starlight
Until the end of my life
I dont know if it's worth it anymore

Hold you in my arms
I just wanted to hold
you in my arms...

Muse – Starlight

WARNING: you don't need to read this, you have been warned!

Didn't I say that life sucks? No? Then it sucks. Maybe even more than a blackhole. Do you know the feeling when suddenly everything seems to break and fall down a cliff?
It's exactly how I feel. Yes, I know the situation isn't as bad as it seems to me, but still...
A few days ago Mariusz wrote about setting targets, but somehow it's hard to do. Maybe it's just me, maybe it's because I don't have a good opinion about my skills and abilities (likewise social and professional). I'm one of those people who need to be told they're worth something, because they remember too good all that bad stuff thrown at them when they were young, either by the teachers or collegues. You know, it doesn't really matter that I know they were wrong, I don't need them to prove anything but it still sits somewhere inside, getting out in the worst possible moments. Ehh,I don't know, I think I need a drink...